
Everything is going very quiet 11-02-2019 14:01:03

The claim was not so simple. I made up 2 days - yesterday and today. Long formulated words. In the beginning, I painted everything in detail, then I decided that this was not necessary and wrote briefly only the very essence and date and time of the letters, so that you could read the text if you wanted. And in electronic form, in principle, I already sent this in a more detailed form. I printed it out and sent it by registered mail with a notification. I'm fine fellow :)
The idea also appeared of compiling a website with templates and claims generation.

I go further 10-31-2019 09:06:03

Over the past days, I sent several more papers. I just can’t force myself to come up with an idea that I like and at the same time easy to earn at a small point in time. So far, there is no particular desire to get a permanent job in a design studio.
In general, there are a lot of ideas. You can create a bulletin board, become an intermediary, create your own search engine, promote a design studio. But all this is quite a voluminous project for which it is not known when there will be money. Therefore, I decided that I would start with a small one - I’ll fill out on my website the opportunity to order a feedback form. And also I will find and write free ways how users themselves can install it. Among those who will read the article 100% will be those who are too lazy to do this on their own and are willing to pay a relatively small amount.
Still need to draw up a written complaint. I still can’t sit down, print, scan, sign a couple of acts.

10-19-2019 10-19-2019 13:10:29

I got to the post office - received documents on electronic digital signature. It will be necessary to sign and send back.
In the afternoon I developed something like a form for entering data on a loan.
In the evening I went to a mini-football - I hadn’t played for a long time, since the summer, I partially lost my skill, but scored a couple of goals. In general, satisfied, ran perfectly.

10-16-2019 10-16-2019 20:54:57

Delivered MGM. I paid 1,500 rubles for registering an online cash desk - they will register tomorrow - I just had too many questions - I decided I don’t care, it’s easier to pay. Something I don’t want to study all this, but I want to take to set up and earn.
There were also small problems with the work of the program for encryption using EDS - I talked with tech support and did everything.

Tuesday 10-15-2019 19:34:38

I finally agreed on the second cash desk (which is for tests) and paid the bill. He also sent signed documents on MGM-FN in paper form by mail. In the evening I set up an electronic digital signature on my computer and installed the necessary software. Tomorrow I will most likely be registered.
By the way, if there are a lot of projects (sites), then it is better to submit an application with an electronic digital signature through a tax website, because in this case, the restriction on entering sites is 256 characters, while in the paper version there are only 80 cells (4 rows of 20 characters each).
By the way, you need to separate sites either with a semicolon (as the Federal Tax Service advised someone and the letter is laid out in the public domain), or a comma - this is what Yandex advises.

Monday 10-14-2019 18:25:01

I got a qualified electronic signature (CEP)! In a day, or rather in just 1.5 hours! Also sent scans of documents. I didn’t go to the tax office, but in the evening I read information from various sites regarding the design of online cash desks and called the tax office via a public telephone, and consulted on issues. They said that if you check the box incorrectly when registering the online cashier, then you can re-register it and you will not have to replace the Fiscal Storage ... I don’t know if this can be believed. I will read more

Day off second 10-13-2019 20:28:15

I planned to quickly replace summer wheels with winter ones, but somehow it went wrong and took almost the whole day — partly due to poor planning — he forgot bolts at home, partly because he had to wait at the service center, partly because it was necessary to go in the garden for the keys to a friend’s garage.
In the evening, I scanned documents that will need to be sent tomorrow.

Day off first 10-12-2019 20:48:44

Preliminarily agreed with a familiar director to receive an electronic digital signature. He made me a discount. On Monday I will write to him and most likely I’ll go to check out. The scanner was repaired - more precisely, as it was repaired - it simply began to use the standard program that they offer :), although before that it had used a different one, but with native drivers from the scanner. In general, now I can again scan and send documents without any problems.

Friday 10-11-2019 14:50:54

Transferred personal funds to a current account, and then paid MGM-FN. Most likely on Monday I will buy the second cash desk for tests. I filmed the photos on Instagram and VK at the same time.
And also the scanner broke down - somehow it scans buggy, and for sending me MGM scans of contracts and documents are needed there. And, interestingly, it scans normally in black and white, but crashes in color with an error. True, I try everything on a laptop - I will try to install the drivers on my computer with the Arch Linux operating system.

Whoop-whoop-whoop :) 10-10-2019 13:39:42

I talked with the manufacturer of online cash desks, found out questions that interested me. I also agreed with another organization to purchase the MGM FN 1.1 Mass-Sized Model, which is used for testing and development. The hardest part begins - money is running out, all the goods on the way - you need to code and somehow make money.